I want to apologize for not posting November's/Decemeber's Music Business Goals. I’ve been smothered with a lot of...
Monthly Goals
Music Business Goals: Sound Design & Mentoring
This month I’ll be focusing on two things - Mentoring musicians and sound design. Mentoring I love helping others make...
Music Business Goals: 1 on 1 Mentoring And Master Minds
1 on 1 Mentoring & Master Minds - this is what I'm focusing on this month. Music Business Mentor Preparing to...
Music Business Goals: Music Marketing and Licensing Companies
Here's my business goals for the month. Mostly, music and training. No More Music Licensing Companies I’m not kicking...
Music Business Goals: Music Licensing And Business How To’s
Wow, it's July already, time is flying! Independence day is in 3 more days do you have anything planned? Well, aside...
Music Business Goals: Music Placement How To’s, Branding & Relationship Building
Well, it's the 1st of the month and that means it's time to share music business goals. Here's what I have lined up...
Music Business Goals: May 2014 Cues, Meta Data, Branding Etc
Hey everyone, hope all is well. Here are goals for the month of May. Please read them, leave some feedback and let me...
Music Business Goals: Expanding Your Horizons & Building Relationships. That’s How You Succeed
This monthly update is a little late, but here it is. These goals will help keep me profitable for 2014 Experiment...
Music Business Goals March 2014: Music Licensing, Meta Data & Sound Design
Hey everyone, here's my monthly music business goal update. If this is the first time you've seen this on my site...