Here's another music licensing update for you. These results are a culmination of library and direct...
Case Studies
Music Licensing Update: Placement Round Up (Success)
As promised here are all the placements I've received utilizing the 90 Day Music Licensing Challenge for 2013....
Demo Submission(s) Part 2 → Split Testing Results
After months of waiting, the results are finally in! Sorry, let me rewind. A while back I made a post...
They Rejected My Demo, But Still Put $2,700 In My Pocket (I’m Not Complaining)
I’ve been having a little success with my new client base that I acquired during my Music Licensing Case Study. If...
My Review Of Aaron’s 90 Day Music Licensing Challenge
Alright, this is long overdue, but finally here. My honest review of Aaron Davidson's course “The 90 Day Music...
Demo Submission(s) → The Split Test
How many tracks must a demo contain? Is it best to send full songs or snippets? Which yields the best results?...
(Music Licensing) A Music Library Gave Me 200+ Paying Clients
I'm a little late updating the results of the 90 Day Music licensing challenge case study. I apologize, I've...
(Music Licensing Update) Libraries Are Biased!
Do you ever wonder why music libraries refuse to pitch certain genres of music? Not every library of course, but there...
Music Licensing: Bouncing Back From Rejection
Hey all, here I am with another 90 Day Music Licensing Challenge update. If you've been following along you'll...